Handheld nebulizer ideal for immediately curing eyelash extension adhesive.
Finer misting particles than a nanomister to avoid blooming and getting the adhesive wet.
Immediate cooling effect and relief from eye irritation due to adhesives.
Lash Tavern's eyelash extension nebulizer is the perfect solution for curing eyelash extension adhesive and increasing client retention. Our lash nebulizer emits vapor particles that are approximately 100 times smaller than those of a nanomister! Our Lash Nebulizer is an amazing premium tool for any eyelash extension application. Using a lash nebulizer when lashing will cure eyelash extension adhesive in 30 seconds. When not using a nanomister or nebulizer clients should be advised that the curing of adhesive takes up to 24 hours during which time the lashes should not come in contact with water.
With our lash nebulizer this precaution is NOT necessary as the adhesive will cure during the vapor phase. To properly utilize the nebulizer hold it 5-8 inches away from the lashes and evenly distribute the vapor for 30 seconds. During this time the client should be welcomed to open their eyes to enjoy the cooling and soothing affect of the vapor. The purpose of the nebulizer is to introduce hydrogen into the environment which is the curing agent for the adhesive. During this curing phase the adhesive will transition from a liquid to a solid. The vapor from the nebulizer will also act as a soothing agent during this adhesive transition which will aid in minimizing allergic reactions. Our Lash Nebulizer emits water particles that are approximately 1-5 microns in size (compared to a nano mister that emits vapor at approx 150 microns). Completely rechargebable. Includes charging cable. 60 day warranty from receipt. Unit will need to be sent back to be repaired or replaced.
Nebulizer Use Instructions:
- Charge 3-4 hours prior to initial use
- Do not charge or operate unit with water in tank
- Use ONLY BOTTLED SPRING WATER (no distilled or tap) or the unit may become damaged
- Empty water tank daily
- On/Off button will light up blue when turned on if blue light is blinking there is not enough water in the tank.
- On/Off button will light up red when in need of charging
- On/Off button will blink green when charging
- Hold unit approximately 5 inches from lashes for 30 seconds in order to instantly cure adhesive.
- If no vapor is noticed after turning on turn the unit off remove the cap and reservoir from the unit and reinstall cap/reservoir back on to unit using the instructions below. Also verify that the unit is completely charged and filled with bottled spring water.
- To reset the nebulizer (if the unit continues to blink or disperse small puffs of mist): while the light is blinking hold the button down for 15 straight seconds.
Please note the output from a nebulizer will be very different from a nanomister. There should be only vapor not a spray/mist
To fill with water:
- Remove dome clear cap
- Pinch white tabs on side of reservoir and lift from unit
- Open the lid to the reservoir
- Insert BOTTLED SPRING WATER to the fill line
- Close lid and lid clasp
- Place reservoir back on unit (give a little wiggle to make sure it is secure)
- Place dome clear cap on over reservoir and back on unit